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National Poetry Day 2023 - All Secondary Resources

National Poetry Day 2023 - All Secondary Resources

Featuring great poems around this year’s theme, Refuge, our free resources are full of ways to get students reading, discussing, performing, and writing – no matter their confidence level. They’re ready to go as worksheets, or you can use them as prompts and thought starters for your class activities. They’re designed by cross-curriculum experts to be used in all sorts of subject lessons, with materials available all the way from KS1 to KS5. By engaging your classes with poetry, you’ll give them their own refuge to express themselves and think about the world around them differently.
National Poetry Day 2023 - All Primary Resources

National Poetry Day 2023 - All Primary Resources

Featuring great poems around this year’s theme, Refuge, our free resources are full of ways to get students reading, discussing, performing, and writing – no matter their confidence level. They’re ready to go as worksheets, or you can use them as prompts and thought starters for your class activities. They’re designed by cross-curriculum experts to be used in all sorts of subject lessons, with materials available all the way from KS1 to KS5. By engaging your classes with poetry, you’ll give them their own refuge to express themselves and think about the world around them differently.
National Poetry Day 2021 National Literary Trust KS 2 Resource

National Poetry Day 2021 National Literary Trust KS 2 Resource

A guide to identifying key or ‘clue’ words within poems that students are reading, providing a framework to reflect on word choice in their own writing. Students will complete a reflection task at the beginning and end of the session. For Key Stage 2 and featuring ‘Sonnet with particles of gold’ by Nina Mingya Powles.
National Poetry Day 2020 Schools Toolkit

National Poetry Day 2020 Schools Toolkit

National Poetry Day (1st October 2020) is an annual celebration of poetry and all things poetical. It is about everybody sharing, reading, writing and enjoying poetry. Use this pack of tips and activity ideas and join in the celebrations – not only on National Poetry Day itself but all year round. It’s full of activities for teachers (both primary and secondary) and also contains book recommendations.
National Poetry Day 2021 National Literary Trust KS 3 Resource

National Poetry Day 2021 National Literary Trust KS 3 Resource

A guide to identifying the meaning and significance of line-breaks in poetry. Students will explore the rhythm, pace and meaning of poetic lines with creative activities using reading, group writing, independent writing and performance. For Key Stage 3 and featuring ‘caribbean woman’ by Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze.
National Poetry Day 2021 The Poetry Society Resource

National Poetry Day 2021 The Poetry Society Resource

A guide to Theodora Shillito’s ‘The Story of Squiddly Diddly’, a poem about marine conservation and recycling, commended in the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2020. This resource encourages students to think about how the choices we make affect the environment. For Key Stages 2-3.
National Poetry Day 2021 First Story Resource

National Poetry Day 2021 First Story Resource

A guide to using hindsight to evaluate how choices affect different situations and creating metaphors from these findings. For Key Stages 3-5 and featuring ‘Drifting Away, Together’ by Jacob Hill, from the Longcroft School and Sixth Form College First Story Group.